Monday, October 25, 2010

A Small Update

So I wouldn't call myself a music aficionado by any stretch of the word. I enjoy music like everyone else, but there was definitely a time in my life when I was into it way more than I am now. I think that hit a decline my Freshman year of College, actually. I still love playing guitar...when I'm around one.

But, the true meaning of this post is to maybe introduce you to a band you haven't heard of? But maybe you have at least seen the name on your facebook "advertisements" (in all honesty, that's where I found them).

The band is named fockea crispa, and they aren't bad. I wasn't into at first, but I didn't turn it off immediately. Instead, it became this relaxing background music. I wasn't fully conscious of the fact that it was surrounding me until I went to close the myspace and saw that the song was still playing and was 7 minutes in. The music just seemed as if it belonged in my apartment.

They're Japanese folk meets Ambient. Give it a listen! Click here

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eddas, Sagas, Grapevines, and the like. (Plus "With What I've Got")

I haven't posted in a while, I'm aware. I tried to post the moment after I saw the Northern Lights and wasn't able to because there was an error of sorts.

Oh, I was in Iceland. That's why I saw the Northern Lights.

Were they breath taking? No more than ALL of Iceland. Everything about the place is ... other worldly. Mythical was a word I used to describe it a lot. At times I felt like I was on another planet, and at others I thought I was in Lord of the Rings.

Anyway, I'm not one to talk about trips in person, so I won't do it in my blog post either.

Instead, I will post something I've been tinkering with.

With What I've Got (Unedited Unrevised)

I’m moving on
What I’ve got.

What I’ve got
Soon to be,

Soon to be
Worn, empty sack.

Worn, empty sack
Too small shoes.

Too small shoes
Will always wear.

Will always wear
Too small shoes.

I forced myself to write in a form. But due to the fact that I hate constricting myself to forms created by other people, I created my own form. I don't have a name for it.

I don't know how many poets read this, but if you wanna give it a shot, and it's not clear just by reading the poem what the form is, here are the rules:

Rule 1: Every stanza must be 3 lines: three words in line 1, one word in line 2, and three words in line 3.

Rule 2: The first line of every stanza must be the same as the last line of the previous stanza (except, of course, the first stanza)

Ah. One more thing.

On the most basic level, this is adorable.

On another does such a young girl know about abusive boyfriends?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Interviews with...(no, not vampires)

Hideous Men! Interviews with Hideous Men is a fantastic film. It's an entirely too short (running at about 80 minutes) about a woman who interviews various guys and they tell her what they think about...well, mainly women. It attempts to cover all elements of film: Romance, Humor, Heartbreak, name it, it's in here. Except maybe action.

But, I bring it up because of the very last interview. It's a monologue by John Krasinski (Jim from the Office) who also directed this movie. It's an eye opener.

I'll post the link, so if you want to watch it, you can. If you don't want to ruin it for yourself so you can watch the whole movie, don't click. But it really is something worth watching. The whole movie is, really. I recommend watching the whole thing from the beginning to end, so that the last interview hits you full force, sending you through a bunch of emotions before this finale.